Friday, September 5, 2014

Engineering the Future: What is the Future of Engineering?


  1. I think that the future of engineering is very promising because as the years go on we will become smarter and we will want more advanced things. I think that since we are becoming more and more advanced that soon we will be able to accomplish things that we didn't believe were possible. I also think that engineering will making our daily tasks a lot easier and faster to complete.

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  3. I thinks the future of engineering would be very interesting. Now, if someone mentioned a teleporting car, we would probably laugh at them, but if engineering keeps getting better, in a couple of years, teleportation might be a thing. I believe that we will accomplish amazing things, and discover new job openings to lower the job unemployment rate.

  4. The future of engineering is very bright, its an industry that's never going to stop growing. Everything we have or use on a daily basis needs engineers to create it and sell it. In the near future I believe that the advancements in engineering will contribute greatly on everyone. Engineering will help students learn in school and help sick people and people with disabilities. In the future ninety percent of the people on this planet will have some sort of smart technology.

  5. In my opinion, the future of engineering is very bright and promising for today's generation. Advancements in engineering and technology can only get better and move forward. For example, the Google Glass is still seen as a thing of the future. A few years ago, we would have never imagined anything like that being open to the public.

  6. Engineering will continue to grow in outstanding ways. Technology will become even more dependable by the second and may be necessary to retain our future life. Engineering will continue even 400 years in the future because nothing will stop evolving and technology will continue to move on.

  7. I feel that the path for Engineering is going to move forward and bring us many advances in technology which will cause Engineering to become even more important. We rely on technology for a good part of our lives depending upon the person you are and as we continue to grow as a society, we will need to rely on it even more to perform more complex or even simple tasks. Engineering will provide us with many great things as time passes on and advance us a society even further, sooner or later allowing us to be able to travel greater distances then we were ever able to do before or deal with situations that seemed quite impossible and lead us into a brighter further for all of us.

  8. The future of engineering is advancing greatly. The technology that is developing is changing our lives in ways we don't notice. Our phones and gaming devices we once just a futuristic fantasy of die hard wizard craft players and geeks a little over a decade ago. Can you believe that the pager and flip/camera phone were the "hottest" thing out a little our a decade ago. Some teens don't even know what it is like to text on a keypad. I am not exaggerating when I say that soon we will be living the same lifestyle as the Jetsons( futuristic 1960-1980 cartoon) Matter of fact, there is a hospital robot called Actriod-F. Go here for more information about her It is truly exciting!

  9. The future of engineer is really expanding is becoming even better. Technology can be made through anything and can be smart. Like they said by 2020 the world will be full of nothing but technology and different electronics. You can make your design come true by using different websites. Now and days you can become an entrepreneur on your own without needing much help.

  10. I think the future of engineering will advance, expand, and alter our world in many ways. The idea that a chip could be put into anything means that every could theoretically have a mind of its own and function to benefit us as humans. The future of engineering holds many opportunities for people. Jobs will multiply over time and eventually everything will required an engineer for it creation. If you have any level of engineering education, then this is good news for you. Our future is basically being shaped by engineers and somewhat by consumers.

  11. I believe the future will be bright. Based on what the video talked about, in the future there will be many more job opportunities. This will result in less homeless people. However, the future can also cause destruction. The thought alone of having personal robots is frightening. There is a big possibility that something can go wrong. Also the future can cause long term health issues. This is a result of laziness. We will all be like babies. We wont know how to do anything for ourselves. Overall I believe the future will be good but there is also a chance it can a bad thing.

  12. I believe the future of engineering is going to be too much to grasp. For one, I believe engineers are some of the smartest and creative people in the world. If people don't know too much about engineering now they definitely will in the future.

  13. I think the future of engineering is the key to advancing in human technology. We would be able to do so much. But I also think it might be kind of dangerous to be able to control so many thing by just using a chip. Just imagine us building machines to do are work and go places for us. The future of engineering is going to be helpful but might hurt some of us as well.

    Darrion Grant 7th period

  14. I thinks the future of engineering would be very fun and exciting to see. Now, if someone told me about a airplane that ran on water, we would probably laugh shake my head at them, but if engineering keeps getting better like they are now, in a couple of years, it might be real. I believe that we will accomplish outstanding things, and discover new job opportunities to lower the job unemployment rate.
